Our Services
- Access to an educational audiologist
- Yearly In-services by an educational audiologist
- Access to equipment/hearing assistive technology (HAT)

- Review of audiograms with staff, counseling on how hearing loss effects students access to curriculum
- Review of auditory processing disorder (APD) reports with staff, counseling on how the students APD effects the student’s ability to access curriculum
- Classroom observations to formulate recommendations for teaching strategies, acoustic modifications, and hearing assistive technology (HAT) to help improve access to communication for student with hearing loss or auditory processing disorder
- Attendance at IEP, 504, or other team meetings
- Selection and fitting of HAT (including verification via a trial period or functional listening evaluation)
- Performance of functional listening evaluations for students existing equipment
- In-services for HAT; counseling on why it is needed, how it works, how to maintain, and identifying staff and student roles in managing the equipment.
Speak With An Expert To See What's Right For Your Child
Visit our new student referral process page or Keystone Classroom protocol page to see what our recommended timeline of student services is.